See your money future clearly today.

Flowcasting SUPER-TOOL

Automated cash flow forecaster and budget planner.


 Be quicker off the mark.


Know more weak links.

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0015 - SUPER-TOOL BoT - MEDIUM.png

Automated simply does it.


Cash, budget, wealth, planning, and forecasting system.
For persistent people, projects, and priorities.
Take control of your financial future.


Daily, monthly, yearly.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0043 - DMY Go Granular.png
BUDGETEER Package Content Icons 0004 for Designer 10000px WoT.png

FlowcastingSUPER-TOOL Packages include the Flowcast SUPER-TOOL + TEMPLATES with the Flowcasting BUDGETEER Course and SPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course. Together they form a powerful automated personal money business financial planning, budgeting, cash flow, and forecasting system.



 All present and correct. All ways.

FLO - Diagram - ALL Features - CROP - 0007 - Always Now Ready.jpg

Always NOW Ready
Up to date from today onwards.


The worst thing about traditional forecasting tools is they rely on your transaction history being up to date or you having to manually update a schedule. FlowcastSUPER-TOOL is purposefully forward-looking. It only requires you update your balance to be Always NOW Ready To Go.

FLO - Diagram - ALL Features - CROP - 0007 - Play Automation.jpg

Automated Set Forget
Just add balance for big picture.


To be useful forecasts should be realistic and error-free. The best way to achieve this is to minimise data entry. FlowcastSUPER-TOOL does the hard work of automatic forecast scheduling. You can set and forget it safe in the knowledge you can always see the forest and the trees.


Rolling in it. In an all-in-one instant.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0038 - Use Cases Snaked Out.png

Quickly build rolling daily, monthly, and yearly financial plans.
Automated cash flow, income expense, and wealth forecasting.


Automated budget forecasting for those who plan for success.
Straightforward financial predictions for projects and people.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0038 - Multi-Purpose.png


Ready. Steady. Goals.

FLO - Diagram - ALL Features - CROP - 0008 - Combinations NEW.png

 Value Resource Combos
Recurring amounts, time, tasks.


It’s useful to schedule important financial administration responsibilities so nasty surprises, last-minute submissions, and late filing fees are avoided. FlowcastSUPER-TOOL tracks one-off and recurring tasks or time-based resources as easily as scheduling income expense amounts.

FLO - Mockup - Combinations Formula - 0002.png
FLO - Diagram - ALL Features - CROP - 0010 - Goals.png

Mission Guided Goals
Predictive achievement dates.


Take a sabbatical. Build a house. Buy an electric car. Hit a sales target. Value your aspirations. FlowcastSUPER-TOOL estimates when you’ll reach your goals and how many months it’ll take to get there in isolation and in aggregate. Goal stack to realise your vision sooner or later.

FLO TS Goal Centre Feature 0005 SHORTER SMALLER.gif

ETA. Faster than thought.


FlowcastSUPER-TOOL lets you quickly create automated set-and-forget real-world financial scenario models, cash flow forecasts, income expense budgets, or value resource schedules combined with one-off and recurring task maps that help steer you toward hitting your goals, fulfilling your desires, and realising your vision.



 Flexibility. Freedom. Fun.


 Nomadic lifestyles. Working sabbaticals. Seasonal businesses.
SKIP MONTHS. Because you and your clients just won’t sit still.


Map inconsistent and irregular incomes and expenses like a pro.
Perfect for those who don’t plan on staying put for long.



 ‘Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me you built a time machine…’

Time Traveller Delorian Time Line 0001.png

 Future Proof. Not Future Shock.

* = Included with Flowcasting™ BUSINESS ONLY

FLO - Diagram - ALL Features - CROP - 0014 - Contingency.png

Custom Contingency *
Prepare for the unthinkable.


Oh to know all costs associated with achieving goals and realising visions. Financially planning for all that may go wrong and right in life isn’t as easy as pie. FlowcastSUPER-TOOL ensures you’re automatically prepared for the unthinkable, unexpected, and unforgettable.

FLO - Diagram - ALL Features - CROP - 0007 - Flux Capicitor.jpg

Time Traveller *
Now, then, whenever.


Imagine if you could predict the mid-to-long-term financial impact of your detail day-to-day and bigger picture decisions ahead of time before you take action? Time Traveller will use your Flowcast™ forecast data to estimate your financial position at any point in the future.


Feel secure with Flowcast™ CUSTOM CONTINGENCY and chock-full of insights with the seer-like ability of Flowcast™ TIME TRAVELLER.



 Not so risky business.

FLO - Diagram - ALL Features - CROP - 0017 - Alert Warning - BWoT.png

Advanced Risk Reduction.
Timely limit alert warning.


Overdraft limit. Low-profit warning. Cash buffer. Contingency amount. Add a threshold and FlowcastSUPER-TOOL highlights when your balance drops below it. If you’re in the clear for the foreseeable rest-assured FlowcastSUPER-TOOL will signal a clean bill of financial health.

FLO TS FLO TS Limit Warning Alert 0001 WIDER.gif

Forget-me-not formulas.
No nasty surprises. Built-in.

FlowcastSUPER-TOOL does all the work of remembering those pesky longer-term less frequent larger big-impact purchases as well as the niggling out-of-sight back-of-mind smaller regular payments. Think new laptops and mobiles, rent deposits, property maintenance, birthdays, anniversaries, school fees, family weddings, and red-letter days, all scheduled for you automatically. Forget no longer forevermore.

FlowcastSUPER-TOOL is purposefully formulaic so you don’t have to be.


Simply unforgettable.



 Xtra special occasions.

* = Included with Flowcasting™ BUSINESS ONLY

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - Daily Dose - WBoT.png

Daily Dose *
Go granular with sub-monthlies.


More day-to-day detail leads to an enhanced bigger picture. Daily, multi-day, weekly, fortnightly, or multi-week recurring intervals tied to a past, present, future, floating, or fixed effective anchor date lets you align your incomes and outgoings with greater precision. Short and mid-term cash flow planning, forecasting, and management won’t be the same again.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - Lunar Moon Cycles - WBoT.png

Celestial Cycling *
Approx. solar lunar phasing.


Use Flowcast™ Daily Dose intervals to align your Value Resource Combos (time, money, tasks) to whichever world calendar system you’re using. Hebrew, Islamic, Persian, Chinese, Mayan, Dreamspell, or your very own Moon cycle can be approximated quickly and easily, in isolation or combination, and overlaid and anchored to the Gregorian calendar.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - Inception Birthday Age Counter SMALLER - WBoT.png

Contextual Age
Years since inception.


Flowcast™ schedules your recurring Value Resource Combos on a monthly or daily* interval basis so you never forget anything important. Now, you can mark big-picture milestones with a little goal-centred motivation. Contextual Age counts the years since the inception or birth of your Flowcast™, business, project, or yours truly. Cause for celebration.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - Multiplier Mode - WBoT.png

Multiplier Mode *
Periodic compounding.


Prices always stay the same. Said nobody. Ever. Most of us would love to increase our income, minimise costs, save some, and invest a whole lot more. Disappointingly, real life wins. Costs rise and expenditure increases as revenues go up or down. Steal a march on reality. Pre-empt % monthly and annual price changes and overhead variations with Multiplier Mode.



 Like falling off a log.


Easier than setting up standing orders yet way more powerful.

FlowcastSUPER-TOOL is designed to be uncomplicated. All you need to do is enter your regular and irregular incomes and expenses along with any likely extraordinary budget items and FlowcastSUPER-TOOL takes care of the rest.


Quickstart easy to learn.


Just enter your item details; name, amount, quantity, frequency. FlowcastSUPER-TOOL schedules and updates automatically.


FlowcastingSUPER-TOOL Packages include the SPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course for beginners.


It’s a no-brainer. No, really.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0034 - PACKAGE Contents - MONEY MATTERS Roundel - A BAR - Thinned Lines.png

MONEY MATTERS Mindset Mapping Course *
Learn to see and change your money future mind.


‘Hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is better.’ William Blake.
See your money future clearly today. Change it now for a better tomorrow. Must-have money management, planning, budgeting, forecasting, mapping tools, and practical skills to succeed financially.

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0015 - SUPER-TOOL BoT - MEDIUM.png

Flowcast SUPER-TOOL or SUPER-TOOL Xtra *
Fast financial plans, models, goals for life + business.


Way more than just a template. A done-for-you forecasting system.
Flowcast™ empowers you to take back control of your financial future. Quick, easy, and simple financial predictions for projects and people. Automated cash flow forecasting for those who plan for success.


* = Included with Flowcasting™ BUSINESS ONLY


Trajectory Traction Training 


Visual Money Mindset

Practical Money Skills


Destinations *. Obstacles *. Solutions.


Orientation. Preparation. Application.

Transformerpreneur Lukasz Kruk 0001 FLOWCAST Crop.png

‘An eye-opening experience. I’m more empowered and in control of my finances.’

Lukasz Kruk Aquatic Therapist, Founder, The Wandered Man Project

Transformerpreneur Cathy Pearson A 0001 FLOWCAST Crop.png

‘Daunting and complicated tasks became clear, accessible, and fun aspects of business.’

Cathy Pearson Founder, Celtic Woodland Yoga Festival

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0034 - PACKAGE Contents - SPREADSHEET BASICS Roundel - with Flowcast STAMP.png

SPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course for Flowcast
Learn all the Google Sheets you’ll ever need.


Flowcast™ SUPER-TOOL is designed to be simple, easy-to-use, and smart enough to do the hard work of budgeting, mapping, and forecasting your personal money and business finance automatically across time for you.
Learn how to use Google Sheets for Flowcast™ in less than 10 minutes.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0030 - BUDGETEER.png

BUDGETEER Budget Forecasting Course
Learn automated cash flow + contextual budgeting.


From Novice to Competent Flowcaster. In just a few hours you’ll be cash-flowing, income expense budgeting, and wealth forecasting like a pro. Includes a SPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course for Beginner Minds. Learn to apply powerfully flexible Use Cases to your unique situation in minutes.


The road less travelled.


Use what you learn.


Home. Money Maps. Household Budgets
Hobby Projects. Self-Build Projects
Financial, Wealth, and Retirement Planning
Nomadic Lifestyle. Expedition Funding
Gap Years. Career Breaks. Travel Sabbaticals


Put your new tools to the test.


Work. Business, Marketing, and Financial Plans
Product, Project, Personnel, and Personal Profitability
Time, Money, and Task Resource Scheduling
Sales Pipelines. Marketing Campaign Budgets
Conferences. Exhibitions. Events


Every day and way.

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0015 - TEMPLATE Starter Packs BoT.png

Flowcast TEMPLATE Starter Packs
Thoughtfully pre-populated to get you going.


No matter what kind of life you’re leading or enterprise you’re running a growing set of personal and business templates will help get your startup started, your product developed, your hobby crafted, or your financial life on track and on-budget in no time without forgetting the essentials.

(includes cash, budget, wealth, project, hobby, product*, service*)

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0010 - PACKAGE Bonuses NEW- SIMPLER NO Lid CIRCUMSCRIBED - Thicker.png

Flowcasting PACKAGE Bonuses *
Grow with the flow with up to $125+ of added value.


$$$s OFF with Reward Central FLOWCREDITS
Work Life Wide Open
Break Your Busy Book ($9+) *
10% OFF Flowcast(ing)™ 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions
$60 OFF FlowcastingBUSINESS Upgrade (from PERSONAL)
$90 OFF FlowcastingCOMMUNITY Upgrade
$50 OFF FlowcastingHEARTMIND Packages *


* = Included with Flowcasting™ BUSINESS ONLY



Demonstration Videos


Flowcasting™ PERSONAL


Nomad Sabbaticals. Career Breaks. Gap Years.


Flowcasting™ BUSINESS


Multi-Income. Multi-Location. Multi-Budget.

Transformerpreneur Francie Fishman 0001 FLOWCAST Crop.png

‘I’m so grateful for the amazing value and ongoing clarity.’

Francie Fishman Founder, Pure Flow Yoga

Client Testimonial Logos for HEARTMIND et al 0001 Randall.png

‘I see clearly now and no longer feel stressed or overwhelmed.’

Randall O'Leary Founder, Swara Yoga Academy


Access $149 Flowcast BONUSES


Quickly overcome the time, effort, frustrations, and complexities of traditional cookie-cutter one-size-doesn't-fit-all personal money and business finance planning, budgeting, and forecasting.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0030 - PERSONAL - WoT.png

Start spreading your wings.
Take the next step with confidence.


Flowcasting™ PERSONAL


only $559


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee


See what’s included

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0030 - BUSINESS - WoT.png

No longer business as usual.
Commercial growth grounded in reality.


Flowcasting™ BUSINESS


only $959


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee


See what’s included


Too much too soon?


Try FlowcastingBEGINNER Money Kit with FlowcastMINI-TOOL


Please be aware VAT / Sales Tax may be applicable to some EU countries. Prices are in USD.
Flowcast™ requires a Google Account with access to Google Sheets.
Package contents are subject to change without notice.

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0018 - 100% GUARANTEE - WoBT.png
Cast Net Photo with Labels 0010 Proper Case Labels GREY - 6400px.png

  Master the ability to navigate informed financial decisions with ease and take care of the matters that matter to us all.


 Considered. Calm. Collected.


 ‘Look at the compounding effect of your adopted money map across time. The impact your decision-making, now, today has on your financial future is, for good or bad, inescapable. Like it or not you’ll be compelled to change how you see and manage your money for the better. I guarantee it.’


Richard Conner Founder, CEO, Transformerpreneur and creator of Flowcast


Your money transformation starts here.


Try a Flowcasting™ SUPER-TOOL Package risk-free for 30 days.
One-time purchase. No subscription. Not happy? We’ll refund you.



What’s included?

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0017 - SABBATICAL BoT.png

Flowcasting™ PERSONAL


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0034 - PACKAGE Contents - MONEY MATTERS Roundel - A BAR - Thinned Lines - NOT Included 15% Opacity.png

MONEY MATTERS Mindset Mapping NOT Included

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0015 - BUDGETEER BoT.png

FlowcastingBUDGETEER Forecasting Course

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0034 - PACKAGE Contents - SPREADSHEET BASICS Roundel - with Flowcast STAMP.png

✓ FlowcastSPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0015 - SUPER-TOOL BoT - MEDIUM.png

Google Sheets FlowcastSUPER-TOOL

FREE forever FlowcastSUPER-TOOL Updates

Personal Use License ONLY (single-person)

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0015 - TEMPLATE Starter Packs BoT.png


✓ Cash Budget Wealth Project Hobby TEMPLATES

Make unlimited copies of each TEMPLATE

Access the latest versions as often as you like

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0018 - Core Features Icon Set - NOMAD SABBATICAL - Lighter.png

FlowcastSKIP MONTHS Feature



FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - Xtra Collection x 4 - NOT Included.png

FlowcastDAILY DOSE Xtra Feature

FlowcastCELESTIAL CYCLES Xtra Feature

FlowcastCONTEXTUAL AGE Xtra Feature

FlowcastMULTIPLIER MODE Xtra Feature

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - Lifesaver BWoT.png

Standard Response Support (within 48 hours)

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0010 - PACKAGE Bonuses NEW- SIMPLER NO Lid CIRCUMSCRIBED - Thicker.png

$$$s OFF with Reward Central FLOWCREDITS

FlowcastingSee Your Money Future Book ($9+)

Work Life Wide Open Break Your Busy Book ($9+)

10% OFF Flowcast(ing)™ 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions

$60 OFF FlowcastingBUSINESS Upgrade

$90 OFF FlowcastingCOMMUNITY Upgrade

Access $149+ of Flowcast PACKAGE Bonuses


only $129

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0030 - BUSINESS.png

Flowcasting BUSINESS


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0034 - PACKAGE Contents - MONEY MATTERS Roundel - A BAR - Thinned Lines.png

MONEY MATTERS Mindset Mapping Course

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0015 - BUDGETEER BoT.png

FlowcastingBUDGETEER Forecasting Course

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0034 - PACKAGE Contents - SPREADSHEET BASICS Roundel - with Flowcast STAMP.png

✓ FlowcastSPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0015 - SUPER-TOOL BoT - MEDIUM.png

Google Sheets FlowcastSUPER-TOOL Xtra

FREE forever FlowcastSUPER-TOOL Updates

✓ Personal and Business Use (single-person)

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0015 - TEMPLATE Starter Packs BoT.png

✓ Complete TEMPLATE Starter Pack (per, bus, etc.)

✓ Cash Budget Wealth Project Product TEMPLATES

Make unlimited copies of each TEMPLATE

Access the latest versions as often as you like

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0030 - SUPER-TOOL Features CORE (BUSINESS).png

FlowcastSKIP MONTHS Feature


FlowcastTIME TRAVELLER Feature

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - Xtra Collection x 4 - Included.png

FlowcastDAILY DOSE Xtra Feature

FlowcastCELESTIAL CYCLES Xtra Feature

FlowcastCONTEXTUAL AGE Xtra Feature

FlowcastMULTIPLIER MODE Xtra Feature

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - Lifesaver BWoT.png

Priority Response Support (< 24 hours)

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0010 - PACKAGE Bonuses NEW- SIMPLER NO Lid CIRCUMSCRIBED - Thicker.png

$$$s OFF with Reward Central FLOWCREDITS

FlowcastingSee Your Money Future Book ($9+)

Work Life Wide Open Break Your Busy Book ($9+)

10% OFF Flowcast(ing)™ 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions

$90 OFF FlowcastingCOMMUNITY Upgrade

$50 OFF FlowcastingHEARTMIND Packages

Access $149+ of Flowcast PACKAGE Bonuses


only $259


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee


Too much too soon?


Try FlowcastingBEGINNER with FlowcastMINI-TOOL


Please be aware VAT / Sales Tax may be applicable to some EU countries. Prices are in USD.
Flowcast™ requires a Google Account with access to Google Sheets.
Package contents are subject to change without notice.

FLO - Diagram - Package Guarantee - 0001 - LIGHT 100%.png

Easy. Efficient. Enduring.


Flowcasting saves you time, effort, and most of all money.

Having the chops to create automated cash flow forecasts and budgets when you need, for whatever purpose, means you don’t have to pay and wait for your bookkeeper, accountant, or an expensive business consultant specialist to do it for you.

The added bonus of organic and intentional cost reductions with ongoing operational savings due to shining a light on your dedicated income expense budgets makes it clear just how easily Flowcasting™ pays for itself, and then some, in next-to-no time.


Access $149 Flowcast BONUSES

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0030 - PERSONAL - WoT.png

Start spreading your wings.
Take the next step with confidence.


Flowcasting™ PERSONAL


only $129


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee


See what’s included

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0030 - BUSINESS - WoT.png

No longer business as usual.
Commercial growth grounded in reality.


Flowcasting™ BUSINESS


only $259


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee


See what’s included


Too much too soon?


Try FlowcastingBEGINNER with FlowcastMINI-TOOL


Please be aware VAT / Sales Tax may be applicable to some EU countries. Prices are in USD.
Flowcast™ requires a Google Account with access to Google Sheets.
Package contents are subject to change without notice.

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0018 - 100% GUARANTEE - WoBT.png
FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0010 - PACKAGE Bonuses NEW- SIMPLER NO Lid CIRCUMSCRIBED - Thicker.png

 Break Your Busy


Enjoy Better Life and Time Management

BYB - Book Cover 3D - 0004 - 4000px.png


‘Essential read.’


‘Amazed by its simplicity.’


‘Absolute gold.’


Stop Procrastination and Be More Effective


Set Your Creativity Free

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0030 - PERSONAL - WoT.png

See your money future clearly today.


Change it now for a better tomorrow.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0030 - BUSINESS - WoT.png