Get grounded. Find your financial centre.


Keep it and your edge through bad times and good.



See your money future clearly today.



Training + Tools + Tutelage = Traction

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See your money future clearly today.




Change it now for a better tomorrow.


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Transformerpreneur Cathy Pearson A 0001 FLOWCAST Crop.png

‘An eye-opening experience. I’m more empowered and in control of my finances.’


‘Daunting and complicated tasks became clear, accessible, and fun aspects of business.’


Channel your financial future.


Lightworkers, healers, artists, teachers, coaches, guides, yogis.
Explorers, designers, creators, seekers, and changemakers.


Flowcasting TRANSFORMERPRENEUR is designed and created especially for the up-and-coming (of middle age) spiritual career breakers, changers, movers, shakers, and seekers intending to or that already work with powerful, creative, liberating, healing, transformational modalities.

Flowcasting TRANSFORMERPRENEUR is tailored for would-be, beginner, veteran, nomadic, or done-roaming Lifestyle Transformation Business owner-managers that offer individual private sessions, hold mixed-size group classes, run seasonal excursions, workshops, and retreats, provide practitioner and teacher training, or exchange related products and services, indirectly or directly, with colleagues, collaborators, and clients.

Flowcasting TRANSFORMERPRENEUR Transformation Modalities

Acupuncture, Air, Aromatherapy, Art, Astrology, Bodywork, Breakthrough, Breathwork, Ceremony, Channelling, Circus, Coaching, Comedy, Ecstatic Dance, Dieta, Drum, Energy Healing, Fasting, Fire, Film, Hypnosis, Laughter, Love, Massage, Meditation, Men’s Work, Mentoring, Money, Music, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Past Life Regression, Photography, Plant Medicine, Poetry, Prayer, Red Tent, Reiki, Satsang, Shadow, Shamanism, Somatic, Storytelling, Sound Healing, Herbs, Spoken Word, Sexuality, Spirituality, Talking, Tantra, Tarot, Teaching, Theatre, Time, Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), Voice, Vision Quest, Water, Watsu, Writing, Yoga, and more.

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Transformerpreneur Francie Fishman 0001 FLOWCAST Crop.png

‘I see clearly now and no longer feel stressed or overwhelmed.’


‘I’m so grateful for the amazing value and ongoing clarity.’


‘Look at the compounding effect of your adopted money map across time. The impact your decision-making, now, today has on your financial future is, for good or bad, inescapable. Like it or not you’ll be compelled to change how you see and manage your money for the better. I guarantee it.’


Richard Conner Founder, CEO, Transformerpreneur and creator of Flowcast


Your money transformation starts here.


Is this, was this, could this, be you?


You rely on your bank balance as an indicator of personal and business financial health.
You think working to a budget means less of what you want and more of what you don’t.
You only ever seem to have enough to live a ‘minimum version’ of your dream lifestyle.
You leave cash flow forecasting and planning to hope, chance, a wing, and a prayer.
Your financial decisions tend to be short-term, spur-of-the-moment, and gut instinct.
You rarely consider where you’re going financially, in the short, medium, or long-term.
You don’t have any specific considered financial goals for your life or your business.
You often find talking about or dealing with money and finance, challenging.
You believe becoming better with money means life may become boring.


Are you already or do you want to be any of the following?


Starting or growing a ‘one-person with some occasional help and support’ Transformation Business so that you can fulfil your mission.

Building multiple streams of passive and active income (sessions, classes, workshops, training, products, coaching, consulting services).

Minimising your dependence on costly accountants and expensive business modelling consultants to manage and grow your business.

Working through a significant life event (redundancy, career-change, business exit, relationship breakdown, divorce proceedings, loss of a loved one, physical relocation, extended nomadic transition).

Designing, creating, living, and working a seasonal mini-sabbatical adventure traveller explorer lifestyle for you and your family.

Gaining certainty and confidence to start healing and letting go of your old conditioned financial patterns and unconscious money habits.

Enjoying clarity and peace of mind when it comes to your relationship with and management of your personal money and business finance.

Taking mindful responsibility for and control of your finances especially during times of imagined, potential, and real ongoing uncertainty.

Following your heart’s deepest desire and truth choosing to live life your way, to your fullest potential, by becoming forevermore informed and holistically aligned with your big picture vision and day-to-day detail financial decision-making approach, practice, and process.

Actively realising your vision instead of just idealising it.


‘An eye-opening experience.’

‘I feel more empowered, in control of my finances, and enjoy greater emotional and mental clarity when it comes to the problem of managing my overly-challenging relationship with money.’

Lukasz Kruk  Aquatic Therapist, Founder, The Wandered Man Project


Failing to plan is planning to fail.

According to Business Insider website 82% of failed small businesses cite ‘cash flow problems’ as the reason while 29% claim to have ‘run out of cash’.

Meanwhile HuffPost includes ‘bad budgeting and overspending’ and unplanned or unexpected changes in personal, work-related, and professional circumstances in ‘10 Reasons People Go Bankrupt.’

It doesn’t always have to be this way. Buck the trend.

Flowcasting™ lets you look to the future, now, today, so you can make informed decisions and take considered action ahead of time to reduce risk, reach your financial goals, increase the likelihood of lasting success, and fully realising your vision.


‘I see clearly now and no longer feel stressed or overwhelmed.’

As a yoga business owner with complex and difficult to understand finances, I was struggling to get a clear picture of what was going on with my fluctuating incomings and outgoings. Richard Conner helped me to see the situation with my personal money and business finance clearly and taught me how to manage and plan my finances for the future while keeping my mission and vision both in mind and heart.

Randall O'Leary Founder, Swara Yoga Academy



What’s included?

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Clarity. Control. Certainty.

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MONEY MATTERS Mindset Mapping Course
Learn to see and change your money future mind.


‘Hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is better.’ William Blake.
See your money future clearly today. Change it now for a better tomorrow. Must-have money management, planning, budgeting, forecasting, mapping tools, and practical skills to succeed financially.

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SPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course for Flowcast
Learn all the Google Sheets you’ll ever need.


Flowcast™ SUPER-TOOL is designed to be simple, easy-to-use, and smart enough to do the hard work of budgeting, mapping, and forecasting your personal money and business finance automatically across time for you.
Learn how to use Google Sheets for Flowcast™ in less than 10 minutes.


The BUDGETEER Forecasting Course
Learn automated cash flow + contextual budgeting.


From Novice to Competent Flowcaster. In just a few hours you’ll be cash-flowing, income expense budgeting, and wealth forecasting like a pro. Includes a SPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course for Beginner Minds. Learn to apply powerfully flexible Use Cases to your unique situation in minutes.


Flowcast SUPER-TOOL Xtra
Fast financial plans, models, goals for life + business.


Way more than just a template. A done-for-you forecasting system.
Flowcast™ empowers you to take back control of your financial future. Quick, easy, and simple contextual bugets for projects and people. Automated cash flow forecasting for those who plan for success.


Flowcast TEMPLATE Starter Packs
Thoughtfully pre-populated to get you going.


No matter what kind of life you’re leading or enterprise you’re running a growing set of personal and business templates will help get your startup started, your product developed, your hobby crafted, or your financial life on track and on-budget in no time without forgetting the essentials.


Flowcasters COMMUNITY Facebook Group
Compounding connections that simply add up.


Foster like-minded supportive liaisons with a winning combination of Priority Response support (within 24 hours) and unrestricted access to this monitored and supported group. Let the minds of many shed light on your urgent questions and your pressing problems will be solved asap.


Safety. Security. Stability.

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5 x Flowcast(ing)™ GROUP Q+A Call PASS
Planning, budgeting, and forecasting issues solved.


Join the Flowcast™ SUPER-TOOL and Flowcasting™ TRAINING Courses GROUP Question + Answer LIVE Coaching Calls led by Author, Architect, Artist, Transformerpreneur founder, and Flowcast™ creator and designer Richard Conner. Calls are recorded and accessible indefinitely.

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Flowcasting PACKAGE Bonuses
Grow with the flow with up to $249+ of added value.


Enjoy 10% OFF additional Flowcasting1-2-1 Coaching Sessions
$100 OFF any FlowcastingHEARTMIND Package Upgrade
Transformerpreneur Financial Flow TOOLKIT ($99 value)
COLLECTION ($39 value)

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Flowcast™ PERSONAL 1-2-1 Training Session(s)
Have your unique needs met from the get-go.


Bespoke tailored training with Richard Conner focussed on your unique personal, business, and team use cases. This curated time-saving Flowcast™ SUPER-TOOL Session will teach you everything you need to know to apply Flowcast™ functions and features to your specific needs.


Satisfaction Guaranteed
30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee.


We appreciate that you’re investing your valuable time, money, and energy to learn, practice, and apply something new. We work to ensure our products and services are the best they can be based on your experience and feedback. If you’re not happy we’re not happy.


Comfort. Confidence. Creativity.


‘I am so grateful for the amazing value and ongoing clarity.’

Richard Conner has helped me with some of the more challenging back-end financial aspects of my business. I have been able to implement some key changes and refinements that allow my business to run more efficiently and successfully while helping me relax more.’

I now have a bigger picture understanding of how my business works. I know what steps I need to take to move forward with more peace, ease, grace, and flow. As a small business owner, it can get very overwhelming to manage all aspects of a business. I really appreciate the way Richard Conner is able to sit patiently with me, explain things, and help me organise my information. His support is invaluable.

Francie Fishman Founder, Pure Flow Yoga

The Best Yoga, Mindfulness & Fitness Breaks of 2018 (The Guardian)
Voted one of the Top 5 Retreats in Southeast Asia by All The Rooms
Top Ten Yoga Retreats by


Traction Training


Visual Money Mindset


Destinations. Obstacles. Solutions.

Learn More

Practical Money Skills


Orientation. Preparation. Application.

Learn More


The road less travelled.

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Learn and love how to…

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Transition smoothly from a perpetual state of flying blindly to a new enhanced conceptual 5D perspective understanding of Value Resource appreciation across time, step-by-non-linear-step, at your own pace.


Progress steadily and surely toward masterful practical (in)action with seer-like financial foresight. A crucial skill required in the blinkered real world of living your dream and realising your vision.

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FLO MONEY MATTERS - GIF - Laptop + Mental Models Sequence - 720p - Beige Background - 256 colors +15 fps.gif

The enduring mindsets, models, modalities, and methods to see your potential money future unfold over time clearly today so you can change and upgrade it now for a better, richer, freedom flowing tomorrow.


The must-have financial and money management, planning, budgeting, cash forecasting, mapping tools and practical skills needed to succeed financially in life, work, and business despite the economy.

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FLO MONEY MATTERS - GIF - Laptop + A to B Sequence - 720p - Beige Background - 128 colors +7 fps.gif

Create your ideal nomadic lifestyle money map and know your financial direction no matter where, when, and what you’re going to find yourself, doing, manifesting, becoming, and being in the world.


Untangle intertwined one-in-the-same personal money and business finance budgets. Make ends meet before, during, and after your recurring hard-worked hard-earned cyclical lifetime hero’s journeys.

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FLO MONEY MATTERS - GIF - Laptop + Truth Lens Sequence - 1080p - Beige Background - 256 colors +15 fps.gif

Dispel uncertainty, avoid unnecessary risks, and prevent pesky problems by revealing your contextual money truth and answering any and all of those nagging pre-decision questions ahead of time.


Take the complexity, pain, and frustration out of ongoing money management, wealth planning, budgeting, and forecasting cash flow. Be ready ‘just enough’ for opportunity when it comes knocking.

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…in next to no time.

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Sixty-seconds is all you need.


Watch how easy it is to build a simple rolling contextual nomadic budget for your life and business in under a minute.


Personal Money Flowcasting


Nomad Sabbaticals. Career Breaks. Gap Years.


Business Finance Flowcasting


Multi-Income. Multi-Location. Multi-Budget.


To get Super-Tooled up.


It’s like falling off a log.


Easier than setting up standing orders yet way more powerful.

FlowcastSUPER-TOOL is designed to be uncomplicated. All you need to do is enter your regular and irregular incomes and expenses along with any likely extraordinary budget items and FlowcastSUPER-TOOL takes care of the rest.


Quickstart easy to learn. 


And use what you learn.


Home. Money Maps. Household Budgets
Hobby Projects. Self-Build Projects
Financial, Wealth, and Retirement Planning
Nomadic Lifestyle. Expedition Funding
Gap Years. Career Breaks. Travel Sabbaticals


Put your new tools to the test.


Work. Business, Marketing, and Financial Plans
Product, Project, Personnel, and Personal Profitability
Time, Money, and Task Resource Scheduling
Sales Pipelines. Marketing Campaign Budgets
Conferences. Exhibitions. Events


Every day and way.


Training + Tools + Tutelage = Traction

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‘Daunting and complicated tasks became clear, accessible, and fun aspects of the business.’

Richard Conner guided me through a crucial point of financial development in my International Yoga Festival. He’s so skilled and easy to work with that he turned what felt like daunting and complicated tasks into clear, accessible, and fun aspects of the business.

Cathy Pearson Founder, Celtic Woodland Yoga Festival


 Master the ability to navigate informed financial decisions with greater ease and take care of the matters that matter to us all.


Henry David Thoreau, Walden, 1854.

‘The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.


‘I spent one lifetime too many living with, enduring, and trying to escape the 'not knowing’. The seemingly unpredictable financial ups and downs I struggled through kept me tethered to a stagnant, restricted, limited, and altogether unfulfilling way of being.

It was time to find the key and break free from the ‘conventional’ money-cage I’d unwittingly constructed for myself to explore life’s mysteries and treasures, reconnect with my creative value, and share my buried, hidden, and long-forgotten gifts with the world.’

Richard Conner Founder, CEO, Transformerpreneur and creator of Flowcast

Your Flowcasting Instructor

The Flowcast(ing)™ SYSTEM, TRAINING, and TOOLS were created by Author, Architect, Artist Richard Conner so that he could live and work freely as a creative Transformerpreneur independent of location with more financial clarity, certainty, control, comfort, and confidence.

In 2015 Richard left his award-winning international architectural practice and creative agency business in favour of an open-ended career break to travel the world. During his sabbatical gap year, he found himself building a dinosaur on a beach, living in a cave, designing for the fun of it again, and writing a series of books about the importance of the Epochal Value Resources of Time, Money, Creativity, Purpose, Intention, Inaction, and Action when realising your vision.

Since then he’s been creating, working, living, and leading an unfettered nomad sabbatical inspired lifestyle transformation business. Now, after a period of Not Knowing, his overriding intention is clear. He wants to empower you to consistently navigate financial decisions with more ease, grace, and flow so that you can focus more of your time and energy on your creativity and craft.

Richard has 25+ years of hands-on ‘been there done that’ experience starting, building and managing an award-winning international group of creative businesses that have grown from zero to over $5M+ in annual sales, and in excess of $25M lifetime revenue since their inception and birth.

The Flowcasting™ MONEY MATTERS Mindset Mapping and BUDGETEER Forecasting Courses, the FlowcastSUPER-TOOL, the tailored TEMPLATE Starter Packs, and the Flowcaster COMMUNITY have evolved to allow TRANSFORMERPRENEURS to quickly and easily create realistic, rolling, always NOW ready contextual budgets and automated cash flow forecasts. The kind that gives you the foresight to make financial sense of multi-location, multi-budget, and multi-purpose nomadic and done-roaming personal and transformation business projects, adventures, and lifestyles.

Richard is an active Creative Director, Software Designer, Snowboarder, Tanguero, Rebirthing Breathwork, NLP, Hypnosis, and budding Shamanic Practitioner.

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Considered. Calm. Collected. 



Presence. Peace. Progress.


Try Flowcasting™ TRANSFORMERPRENEUR risk-free for 30 days.
One-time purchase. No subscription. Not happy? We’ll refund you.





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Try risk-free with support for 30 days.
Subscription commitment-free.


Try risk-free with support for 30 days.
Subscription commitment-free.

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‘An eye-opening experience. I’m more empowered and in control of my finances.’

‘Daunting complicated tasks became clear, accessible, and fun aspects of business.’

‘I see clearly now and I no longer feel stressed, anxious, worried, or overwhelmed.’

‘I’m so grateful for the amazing value and ongoing bigger-picture clarity.’




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30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee

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MONEY MATTERS Mindset Mapping Course

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✓ FlowcastingBUDGETEER Forecasting Course

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✓ FlowcastSPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course

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Google Sheets FlowcastSUPER-TOOL Xtra

✓ FREE forever FlowcastSUPER-TOOL Updates

✓ Personal, Business, Team License (multi-seat)

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✓ Complete TEMPLATE Starter Pack (per, bus, etc.)

✓ Cash Budget Wealth Project Product TEMPLATES

Make unlimited copies of each TEMPLATE

Access the latest versions as often as you like

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✓ FlowcastSKIP MONTHS Feature


✓ FlowcastTIME TRAVELLER Feature

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✓ FlowcastXtra Collection Features

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✓ Priority Response Support (< 24 hours)

✓ Dedicated Account Manager Support (< 12 hours)

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✓ Flowcasters COMMUNITY Facebook Group

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5 x Flowcast(ing)™ GROUP Q+A Call PASS

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2 x Flowcast™ PERSONAL 1-2-1 Training Sessions

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✓ $$$s OFF with Reward Central FLOWCREDITS

✓ FlowcastingSee Your Money Future Book ($9+)

✓ Transformerpreneur COLLECTION ($39 value)

Comprehensive Financial Flow TOOLKIT ($99)

✓ 10% OFF Flowcast(ing)™ 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions

✓ $100 OFF any FlowcastingHEARTMIND Upgrade

Access $249+ of Flowcast PACKAGE Bonuses



Start Flowcasting Today


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee

FLO - Diagram - Package Content - 1-2-1 + Sessions - 0007 - 121 FLOWCAST SESSION + TAILORED.png

Personalised Training Included

PLUS $249+ of Flowcast PACKAGE Bonuses


Too much too soon?




Please be aware VAT / Sales Tax may be applicable to some EU countries. Prices are in USD.
Flowcast™ requires a Google Account with access to Google Sheets.
Package contents are subject to change without notice.


‘He guided me to discover more about my own unique truths.’

I met Richard Conner just at the right time and place in my life!

I’d been working on my business for a while but felt something wasn’t quite right anymore. My prices and meeting my clients’ demands.

Straight away Richard shared his time, energy, experience, and expertise. Listening to my business backstory and mission he asked questions that guided me to discover more of my own unique truths.

He was also more than willing to share his experience, knowledge and creative ideas too. We discussed a whole range of possibilities on the fly as we spoke, opening up my world to new possibilities and improved ways of serving my clients. All very doable for me.

I’m very grateful for our time and work together and can wholeheartedly recommend Richard if you’re seeking someone with extensive experience who truly listens to you and your problems and helps you solve them efficiently rather than the other way around.

Gitta Van Roy
Founder, Living Souls

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Training + Tools + Tutelage = Traction

Flowcssting TRANSFORMERPRENEUR Package Content Icons STRIP 0001 - with GROUP Q+A - 4500px - WoT.png